Friday 19 February 2021

 Welcome, weavers!

Here you will find the companion site to the Threat Dice podcast program, The Worlds We Weave.

Below is the most recent "spark" of inspiration to get you started. Use the comments section to build upon this spark and expand upon the concept. Details, history, how it connects to the world it inhabits. Does it apply to only one of the three genres of worlds we are creating (fantasy, science fiction, horror) or more? To view past sparks, go to the Spark Archive page.

I, and sometimes a guest or two, will choose a number of these contributions to talk about on the next episode. Those that I choose will be added to one or more of the three genres of worlds. Once added, they become canon, a part of that world. And so these worlds slowly grow and become greater than the sum of their parts, all thanks to you.

If this little experiment succeeds, we at Tumbledie Games will choose one of the worlds to develop as a setting for our tabletop roleplaying system, Trove, and publish it for all to explore.

Please remember: this is an exercise of the imagination, not a cave for trolls. I reserve the right to deny any and all comments I deem inappropriate. Just be cool and don't be a dick. That's all I ask.

Okay weavers, get weaving.

 Welcome, weavers! Here you will find the companion site to the Threat Dice podcast program, The Worlds We Weave. Below is the most recent ...